mountain scanner

  A scanner that translates the contours of the mountains around Stöðvarfjörður, East Iceland, into sound files.
project website:
The source code is available on GitHub.

October 2021


SUPER MUSCLE: Summoning Percussive Music Using Live Electronics is the title of my Master Thesis Project of the study program Digital Media @ HfK Bremen.
Find the project website >>here<<< .
The source code is available on GitHub.

Dezember 2020


  Debris is a monumental multi-channel sound sculpture that reflects ‒ aurally and sculpturally ‒ the very idea of a transformational substantiality.
What else could be better suited for representation than the perpetually revolving sonic matter of the ubiquitous streams of music?

Februar 2020

Radiophonic Places

 A sound sculpture consisting of audio livestreams from several locations in a city. Transmitted through a network of wired and wireless infrastructures, protocols and apparatuses, and mixed algorithmically, the city sounds eventually reach your ears.
Originally, the gathered sounds were transmitted as collected in real-time and broadcasted via FM Radio (92,5 FM) and

Mai 2019

Acoustic Community

 A system of fifty sound modules strives for a balanced state of harmony (in sound and light (color)). Background-noise and mismatching sound waves result in a chaotic cacophony.

 Ein System aus fünfzig Klangmodulen strebt nach einem Zustand der inneren Balance in Klang und Licht. Umgebungsgeräusche und solche, die der Harmonie widersprüchlich sind, greifen von außen in das System ein und resultieren in einer chaotischen Kakophonie.

November 2018

Othering Machines

Hearsay / Othering machines
 Experimental simulations of social communication dynamics...

 Experimenteller Versuchsaufbau zur Simulation von sozialen Kommunikationsmodellen
...go to project page

Oktober 2017


 Die Erdscheibe ist eine Lichtinstallation, bei der ein Overheadprojektor eine mit Kristallen bedeckte Glasplatte durchleuchtet. Während die Scheibe ununterbrochen rotiert werden die kristallinen Muster an die Wand projeziert, wodurch malerische Landschaften entstehen. Die Installation wurde ausgestellt auf dem Fiber-Festival 2017 in Amsterdam.

Flat Earth is an installation that uses an overhead projector to cast light through a crystal-covered glass plate. While the glass plate rotates constantly, the crystalline patterns will be projected onto a wall, where they create scenic landscapes. The installation was exhibited at the Fiber Festival 2017 in Amsterdam.

Märch 2017